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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

water concolvulus fried in soy sauce

hehe.. sounds weird. but if you know the Malay name for water concolvulus, you might smile to yourself. it's kangkung. the plant with cute purple flower.


1 a bundle of kangkung
2 2 shallots
3 2 pieces of garlic
4 soy sauce
5 cooking oil

how to made it?

firstly, heat the cooking oil in a pan.
secondly, put the garlic and fried them until their nice smell arose.
thirdly, put the sliced shallots.
fourthly, put the water concolvulus and some soy sauce.
the food is ready too eat.

* no need to put salt because the soy sauce is already salty. it is as easy as a, b, c right? try it then.


Amira Zafirah said...


MOHD SAIDI said...

more recipe,
r u lke to cook?

cz said...

yeah yeah yeah.. but im still learning